Ariana Scalfo

HIGHLIGHTS: Spartan Games Athlete 2021/Texas Run the Rose 11 Miler Women's Winner + Top 10 finish/Loves dogs/Hates long walks on the beach/Can touch her toes

Ariana Scalfo is a 5-year Alex Viada "Special Project" (how special? she hasn't quit yet, if that counts), NASM certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, ACSM certified Personal Trainer, and voice of the Complete Human Performance Instagram. If she had to describe her experience to you, it would be "messing up as much as humanly possible at most things, and figuring it out as she went along."

While her childhood was spent being active, outside, and playing with bugs in the mud, Ariana's teenage years were riddled with periods of intense inactivity, illness, and pain while she navigated a 1-2 punch diagnosis of Celiac Disease and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility Type). She wasn't able to be physically active again until her mid-20s, when she began CrossFit with Coach Ken. Through her own process of self-discovery via every scaling option, limitation, and form of tendinitis imaginable, she realized that if she could, anyone could. Ariana now lifts and runs, sometimes rides bikes, and sometimes does wall balls.

A tenured nutrition coach, Ariana specializes in nutritional strategies for individuals with intense training schedules, body composition goals, digestive disorders, solving GI upset during activity, and ketosis w/carbohydrate periodization for endurance athletes. Ariana is incredibly familiar with training while injured, sick, or anemic, and will work with individuals with POTS, dysautonomia, EDS, or similar hypermobility disorders. Ariana passionately believes that with the right mindset, goals, and process orientation, all bodies are capable of adaptation. Expectations need to be realistic, the work needs to be constant, but there are shortcuts and she will find them. "Smarter, not harder." As the leader of the CHP: Women initiative, she passionately believes in education and empowerment as the keys to autonomy and "heavy metal" self development.

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